
Temple Visit

by Anthony Johnson | Luke 2.22-38 | 12/31/17 | Length 24:36

Christmas Eve Homily: Today is Born

by Jeff Schneider | Luke 2.1-16 | 12/24/17 | Length 13:25

God Comes to Rule

by Anthony Johnson | Luke 1.67-80 | 12/17/17 | Length 28:16

Mary's Song

by Jeff Schneider | Luke 1.39-56 | 12/10/17 | Length 24:55

Who Do You Say That I Am?

by Jeff Schneider | Luke 9.18-27 | 11/26/17 | Length 29:17

The Lord of the New Exodus

by Anthony Johnson | Luke 9.10-17 | 11/19/17 | Length 23:55

Who Then is This?

by Louie Muñoz | Luke 8.22-25 | 11/5/17 | Length 21:08

Shall we look for another?

by Jeff Schneider | Luke 7.18-35 | 10/29/17 | Length 23:20

The Focus of the Kingdom

by Anthony Johnson | Luke 6.17-31 | 10/22/17 | Length 24:28

Eating with Tax Collectors

by Jeff Schneider | Luke 5.27-39 | 10/15/17 | Length 37:23

Salvation Has Come

by DeMyron Haynes | Luke 4.16-30 | 10/08/17 | Length 28:56

Put to the Test

by Jeff Schneider | Luke 4.1-13 | 10/01/17 | Length 28:08

Preparing the Way

by Jeff Schneider | Luke 3.1-22 | 09/24/17 | Length 30:11