Dear church,

The Apostle James wrote, “You do not know what tomorrow will bring.” Indeed! Hence I am writing to you for the third time in three days to amend our plans.

We are canceling our worship service for this Sunday, March 15. However, we will have the sanctuary open from 9-10am for any who want to come and pray. Please feel no compulsion to come. If you are feeling unwell, are immunocompromised, or have recently travelled to a location with high incidence of the new coronavirus, please stay home.

Also, the 10 Commandments class, the Youth Parents meeting, and Youth City Group are all cancelled this Sunday. In terms of other future events, we will reassess next week and let you know.

We are taking these measures not out of fear but to care for the most vulnerable in our congregation and communities and also to do our part to try to “flatten the curve.” At the same time, we have a deep need to worship together and avail ourselves of the means of grace, including prayer, Scripture, and community. Especially at times like this, we need to remind one another and our neighbors that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46)

If you are struggling in any way – spiritually, emotionally, physically – please reach out to me, a staff member, or anyone at Boulevard. If these days bring financial hardship to you, please reach out to our mercy fund team. Also, this would be a great time to consider giving to the mercy fund (give to Boulevard by check or Zelle, noting ‘mercy’). The staff is working to share with you some resources for worship at home or with small groups. We also looking at other creative and wise ways for us to stay connected in the days ahead.

Please let me know if you have any concerns or considerations.

Yours, in Christ,

Pastor Jeff